I'm mostly using this blog as an outlet for my feelings and observations about my life. I don't update regularly, but only when something of interest happens in my life.

Monday, February 05, 2007

I dream of..

Last night I dreamt that my 10 month old god-daughter started walking. I love that little girl like she were my own flesh and blood. I already spoil her to no end and spend most of my free time with her, but this is the first time I've had a dream about her that I remember. She is growing up so fast, it seems like Mel just brought her home, but now she's getting ready to start walking!
This weekend was kinda nuts. I went out Friday night after work, without my friends, since Jaymie's son was sick, and none of my other friends were out. Craig was there and was very frisky, playing with my hair and rubbing my shoulders. But he was there with some other friends who kept him running around socializing. Altogether a boring night out. Saturday night was lots more interesting. I joined Mel and Joe for dinner with her Mom, Brownie, TJ, and Marcie. A few other friends joined us later for drinks. Needless to say Mel and I got extremely drunk. Not puking drunk but there are parts of the night we can't remember. Had more fun with Craig this time. I think I've decided to give him a chance, though I realized last night that no one will ever live up to the standards in my head. They either have the look but not the personality, or vice versa, but not both. My friend Red has a good point about fantasies. Something about ruining a fantasy when you get it. But maybe that's what we need. Someone to ruin our fantasy so that we don't hold anyone else up to that comparison. If I knew that Josh was not as perfect as I imagine, maybe I wouldn't see so much fault in Craig. Hmm, or maybe I need to see a shrink. LOL.

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