I'm mostly using this blog as an outlet for my feelings and observations about my life. I don't update regularly, but only when something of interest happens in my life.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


So, in the last 48 hours I've managed to gain a roommate for next year, find a decent looking guy 3 hours away, and pack my time off with lots of stuff to be done. I'm heading to my parents house this weekend, but before that I have to go shopping with Melissa, babysit, wrap presents, go to a Christmas program, work an evening shift, and work my day job. This doesn't sound like it leaves much time for sleep.
anyways, the roommate just turned 18 on monday, is a highschool wrestler, plays guitar in the jazz band, is 6'+, and pretty cute. Only prob is he's dating my best friends little sister. his parents have never met me and already don't like me, so we'll just have to wait and see how long this lasts. its just till the end of the summer, but we'll see if he can make it that long. lol.
the guy i met on line lives in louisburg, which is 3 hours east of here. i don't think either of us will be making that trip anytime soon. maybe if i were going to KC to see TJ I would make the trip but...that seems like an awfully far way to go for sex.
i got pretty much all my christmas shopping done, theres a few things i'm going to pick up for Melissa tonight, but my list is complete. hopefully i didn't forget anyone important. lol
i remember dreaming last night, but i can't remember the dream. must not have been very important or entertaining.
I bought myself Super Mario Advance last week, for my GB Advance. it's fun, but it's still difficult. i would rather be at home playing games than here at work. not that i'm doing much here, i have a shit ton of work to do in the next 7 work days, but I'm really not the mood.

~so what are the odds that two of the hottest guys in town would both walk into my office at the same time? Talk about overload! How am I supposed to handle this? OMFG! So Hottt!

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